Well, as of tomorrow, (which is technically in 4 hours and 35 minutes from the time I started writing this) my fast is over. It has been a very long, yet not long enough, journey. When it started I just wanted to make sure that I was spending much needed one on one time with the Lord. A goal that I feel that I have reached. I gave up Facebook in order to spend more time with Him. As it turned out though, after only one day, I got the bright idea that I could read through the entire Bible, through this fast. It didn't sound like it would be too hard. 9 daily readings from my yearly Bible. That meant about 2.5 hours of reading a day. That felt completely logical and doable at the time. As time went on though, I would often find myself curious about something that I was reading and would want to research it. That is not a problem!! I am quite excited about all of the questions that stirred in my mind as I went through The Journey. These questions though, took up time. When it came down to it, it was far more important for me to fully understand, and do my best to find out the answers to the questions, than it was to reach my goal. I am proud of the progress that I have made. It did become slower once I started work, though, I still fully intend to be through the Bible in less than 6 months. For those of you who may be curious about how far into the Bible, I did get, here it is in the Old Testament I have read, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and I am in 1 Samuel. In the New Testament I have read, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and am in John. I have read 105 of the Psalms and about 1/3 of Proverbs. In about 6.5 weeks, I don't think that is too bad.
As much as I have missed Facebook, these past weeks, I am so thankful that I have given MYSELF this time that I needed with God. I am also glad that I have given GOD this time. I am grateful for everything that has happened in the course of this past 6.5 weeks. I have started a new job, that I happen to love. I have been more disciplined than I have ever been.
God is taking us in a whole new direction! I can't wait to share all of the new exciting things God has in store for us, as they begin to unfold! Stay tuned, God is big and I think He has some big things planned for us! (No I am not pregnant) Thank you for being a part of our Journey!
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